So we've been here for almost a month. Only 4 months and 29 days left! I can't really believe it. TIME FLIES. It's crazy. I'm getting used to this incredibly humid weather and its finally starting to understand that we live here.The teaching is... easier, but still a bit harder than i thought it would be. It just makes me realize how much work every teacher i've ever had in my life had to do to prepare one lesson and i'm truly grateful for the work that they put into it. So if you every taught me anything in your life, THANK YOU! This week in class we actually really fun. We kind of just wing a lot of our classes because we don't ever plan enough material (which we should probably work on). In our class yesterday, we went down with not really any idea what we were going to do so we decided to teach them about how to keep your hair nice and the make up makes you beautiful. and then as clever as we are, we decided to let the kids do teacher nani's hair and teacher "cake"'s make up. It was pretty hilarious!

yes... what else is new? umm we made some new friends. Names are Ken and Daniel. They pretty much taught us how to play mah jong, which is so confusing so i'm surprised we actually got it. We also went with them and all the missionaries in the area to play frisbee this morning. it was way fun, or maybe it was just fun because that was the first sport i've played in this country. Gotta love me some asian frisbee!
Enough about sports though.. We found ourselves a new favorite food... actually two new favorite foods. There are these waffle things here that are filled with some sort of creamy custard stuff and they are soooooo good! We also found these weird sandwich things that are like french toast with a little flap cut open and whatever meat you want inside. pretty much the best sandwich ever. The meat here is just so weird though. I think i might end up becoming a vegetarian. My blog posts are so random, sorry. but that's all for now.
love nani.
oh, and CONGRATS TO MY BIG SISTER who got married today! wooo! :) So glad katie and I could attend.
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