Friday, June 29, 2012

Were here!

        so we made it! yippee. it is pretty much awesome here. Here's what has happened so far. We boarded a plane, flew across the ocean, landed in taiwan, exchanged some money, bought a bus pass, hoped on a bus, met a dude at the train station, rode a train for 3 hours, squished 7 bags into a little honda, took it all to the house, ate some dumplings, drank a smoothie, ate some ice cream, went shopping, ate some chicken, ate some bread, ate some shaved ice stuff, went to sleep.That's about it. The food here is pretty dang good, in case you didn't know.

 Here's some interesting facts about this asian island:
 -everybody rides a scooter.
-no one follows the traffic laws (or maybe there are none here, the supposedly have a sixth sense)
-the clothes are cheap.
 -the food is cheaper.
 -it is 100 times more humid than Hawaii, i'm seating because i'm typing.
-smoothies are a dollar -the shaved ice is amazing
 - Chinese is hard to understand, especially when you don't know it.
- all the websites on my computer decided to translate themselves into chinese
 - i love it here!

 so yes, i will keep you posted... whoever is reading this.

 love nans.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Off to that little Chinese island.

ALOHA! So I will soon be departing Utah for that little island over there by china. I think it's called Taiwan. 6 months of some Asian lifestyle and teaching my butt off at the owl preschool. It's going to be an adventure. I don't know if I'm more scared or excited. It hasn't really hit me yet so once I bored that plane on Thursday morning at 1 I guess i'll find out. I just talked to Ms.Amy Schlauder last night and i'm more than prepared to go. My feelings on this whole trip are excitement, nervous, scared, anxious and well any other feeling you get when you're moving to another country. I'm just super excited for the smoothies. I heard they're the bomb. I'm going over with my cousin, Katelin Roper. sooo yes. That is just a little update. Love nani.