Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Great Opportunities.

Hello world,

Once again it's been way to long. I'm very sorry. So here is a little catching up, i'm home in utah for the summer just getting ready to leave for Taiwan to teach English! woo. I'm not really sure what it's like there and I don't really speak Chinese so this might be a bit interesting. I'm not even good a speaking English so those poor kids. My cousin and I will be on a plane towards that little Chinese island in only a few weeks. I cannot wait! But I owe this amazing opportunity to one of my biggest role models who also went on this adventure as well. Her name would be Amy Schlauder and she is AWESOME! She was one of my high school teachers, volleyball coaches, and idols! She's traveled the world and done things some people only dream of doing. I think i might just have to walk in her footsteps. So thanks for everything Amy!


P.s. I stole the picture above from her facebook. :)